Donation and Aid Policy
The Company may donate for the matters relating to education, healthcare, culture, law, art, sciencific research, protection of environment, sport and similar social and humanitary issues without a consideration with the aim of positively contrubuting to perception of the Company’s sensivity to fulfil its social responsibilities by the public or gaining tangible or intangible benefit.
In this policy, it is aimed to set out the principles and procedures relating to the donations to be made by the Company for the fulfilment of its social responsibilities and contribution to its activities in accordance with the corporate governance principles.
Prepared by : Financial Management Department
View Sharing Units : Directorate of Internal Control
Approved by : Board of Directors
Published by : Financial Management Department
Users : All Aklease employees and the persons working on behalf of Aklease are within the coverage of this document.
Any type of donation requet shall be transmitted by the requesting unit to the relevant Deputy General Manager if any or otherwise to the Head of Department along with the reasoned view. The assesment relating to the request shall be transmitted to the Financial Management unit after obtaining the affirmative view of Compliance Unit.
Financial Managment unit, after making the necessary controls on the budget front, shall present to the approval of the General Manager along with the department view on the donation and aids. Further to the General Manager’s view, Aklease board of directors’ approval should be obtained.
If, at the stage of making donations and aids to social responsibility projects and charity organizations, there is any excess, then Compliance Unit’s view should be obtained and thereafter Board of Directors’ approval should be obtained.
Pursuant to “the Regulation on donations and aids to be made by the banks and consolidated institutions which are subject to audit (Official Gazette-1 November 2006-Sayı:26333)”, our company shall not provide any donation and aid to any and all real persons and legal entities within the risk group of our company, funds and foundations which exclusively belong to our exployees and established for the pırpose of healthcare and social aid, retirement, reserve and saving, political parties and syndications.
All employees working in the units where this policy is applicable are responsible for the implementation of the principles set out in this document, under the supervision and coordination of the Compliance Unit and Directorate of Internal Control.
This document enters into force on the date of publication.
Notification of subsequent updates and amendments to this policy and other integral parts to our employees are made through internal electronic media.