Leasing Process

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a finance lease? 

Financial Leasing is one of the most commonly used leasing types in Turkey. Please click for the definition of financial leasing in the law numbered 6361.

How can I access to invoice details of Aklease? 

In order to reach to address, tax number, trade registry number and other official information of Aklease, please click on.

Are there any advantages of purchase through leasing instead of cash purchase? 

With leasing, you can benefit from financing opportunities up to 100% on your investments. Leasing payments have long-term maturities and convenient costs. While financing your investments for the long-term with leasing, you can cover for your company’s rolling capital and other short-term financing needs with the money in your pocket. With Leasing, you can benefit from discounted VAT implemented on some products. In order to acquire information on all advantages of leasing, please click on.

Why should I prefer Aklease? 

Aklease is 99.99% subsidiary of Akbank which is the most valuable bank of Turkey. In order to get more detailed information about Aklease, which is a leading, large, innovative and pioneering leasing company of its industry and the leasing solutions offered by it, please click on.

What can be leased? 

Movable and immovable goods can be the subject of an agreement. Intellectual and industrial property rights such as patents can’t be the subject of such agreement except reproduced copies of computer software programs. For equipment that is commonly leased in Turkey, please click on.

Can I make online applications? 

In order to make online application, please click on.

Is it correct that there are many procedures for leasing transactions? 

No, leasing companies complete transactions on subjects such as purchasing, insurance on behalf of the company in a quick and secure way.

Why do leasing transactions cost money? 

Equipment subjected to leasing need services that cost money such as credit letter, insurance, freight regarding their purchase from abroad. Operational processes that need to be carried out by the customer are carried out by the leasing company for the leasing transactions. Expenses charged for leasing are for procuration the sustainability of such services.

How does leasing process work? 

In order to access leasing processes click on.

What kind of expenses are in question for leasing? 

Although it changes depending on the quality of the work carried out, management expenses, transfer fees, insurance premiums and import expenses are charged from customers.

How can I reach you outside Istanbul? 

In order to access information regarding our branches outside İstanbul, please click on.

How many types of leasing are there? 

There are two main types of leasing as financial and operational. The purpose of the customer for financial leasing is to own the equipment subjected to leasing through renting it, and the purpose of operational leasing is to use the equipment subjected to leasing during the rental period and then return it to the lessor at the end of that period.

What is the difference between leasing and bank loan? 

Legal ownership of the equipment subjected to leasing belongs to leasing company during the leasing period.
There isn’t any BSMV (Banking and Insurance Transaction Tax) and/or RUSF (Resource Utilization Support Fund) during the repayments of leasing.
It is possible to carry out leasing transactions in Turkish Liras and/or foreign currency without any limitations (within the framework of 32nd clause of the laws).
VAT, which is paid by the leasing company during the purchase of equipment subjected to leasing, is taken back from the customer within installments during the leasing term.
There is an implementation of discounted VAT for leasing.
Purchasing operations are carried out by leasing companies.

What are the advantages of leasing? 

Leasing is a long-term financing method which is used for many years in Turkey and all around the world with important advantages such as quick credit facilities, operational easiness, financing opportunities up to 100%. Within the framework of 32nd clause of the law, equipment with 1% VAT percentage on financial leasing can be financed in foreign currency without any limitations on amount. In order to get full information on advantages of leasing, please click on.
Do leasing transactions have an impact on credit limits of the banks?
No, for leasing transactions, leasing companies allocate limits independent from the limits provided by the banks.

What are the operational conveniences that you provide for leasing transactions? 

With the experience we have gained since 1988, we provide complete and on-time purchase for all of your movables/immovables subjected to your leasing transactions and, if there is any, we follow all related legal obligations of your goods/equipment subjected to leasing.

Is there a minimum limit for leasing transactions? Do you have any limits as a company? 

Technically, there isn’t a minimum limit for leasing transactions.

How can i apply for Aklease? 

In order to access Aklease Branch information, please click on. You can also get detailed information Leasing about our products from all Akbank branches.

Can transactions with incentive certificate be subjected to leasing? 

Yes, transactions of investment with incentive certificate can be subjected to leasing. It is possible for the renter to benefit from all exemptions and advantages provided by the document through assigning the part of the incentive certificate subjected to financial leasing transaction (provided that it derives the minimum amount of investment) to the renter company.

Is it possible for newly founded companies to use leasing? 

All newly-founded or existing establishments can use leasing if they can procure demanded information and document, and give the required assurances on cases that it is considered necessary.

Is leasing available for boat purchases? 

Yes, you may contact our branches to finance domestically flagged boats.

What kind of information and documents are demanded for leasing transactions? 

On cases in which your leasing application is approved, it would be adequate to deliver the documents within the attachments to us in order to issue an agreement. In order to access required document list, please click on.

Is it possible to use the leasing for machines and equipment that will be bought from abroad? 

Leasing can be used for financing both domestic and foreign equipment that will be purchased.

Who can benefit from leasing? 

All legal entities in Turkey from sole proprietorships to large holdings, which are authorized to carry out transactions, can use leasing.

Can I use leasing for used equipment? 

Leasing can also be used for financing used (second hand) equipment.

What kind of assurances are wanted for leasing transactions? 

Depending on the quality of the transactions, assurances such as sole proprietorship and/or corporate suretyship, real estate mortgage, assignment of claims, surety bonds, pledge of shares, cash blockage can be demanded. Assurances granted for leasing transactions are exempt from all kinds of tax, levy and charge implementations.

I need equipment from many different brands and models; can i get these with a single leasing agreement? 

Yes, leasing can be used for more than one brand and model of equipment with a single leasing agreement.

Can I transfer my leasing agreements to third parties? 

It is possible to transfer leasing agreements to third parties, in other words “to change the lessee” provided that it happens within the knowledge and with approval of leasing company.

Can I terminate my leasing agreement? 

Leasing agreements can be terminated provided that there is a clause regarding this within the agreement and provisions of the agreement are carried out.

How are leasing agreements made? 

Leasing agreements are made by expert staff members after interviews made with customers, over the subjects agreed upon and within the framework of existing laws and regulations. You can access Pre-Agreement Information Form and Financial Leasing Agreement from these links.

Do the leased goods/equipment require insurance? Do you or the leasing applicant get the insurance made? 

Pursuant to law no. 6361, goods/equipment subjected to leasing must be insured. It is shown on the agreement who will get the insurance made for the goods/equipment insured. Insurance premiums are paid by the lessee.

Who is the lessee? Who is the lessor? 

Lessee is the investor who uses or wants to uses the leasing. Lessor is the leasing company who leases the equipment demanded by and to the lessee.

Who owns the leased equipment? 

During the leasing period, legal ownership of the leased equipment belongs to the lessor company, all usage rights belong to the lessee.

Does vat get paid twice with the leasing? 

No, the VAT which will be paid during the purchase will be paid by the leasing company on behalf of the customer, the related VAT is taken back from the customer in installments de during the leasing agreement period.

Is there a tax advantage provided by leasing? 

For many equipment purchased with leasing, a special 1% VAT is implemented just for leasing. The amount of interest may be deducted from tax assessment for leasing repayments. Also, for the assurances granted for leasing transactions, there are exemptions of taxes, levies and charges. There are exemptions for Corporate Tax and VAT for selling and leasing back of the immovables and a discount is implemented on title deed fees.

Which equipment has 1% vat rate? 

In order to access to the list, click on.

Can I finance energy projects through leasing method? 

It is possible to finance your equipment subjected to leasing within your projects aimed at conventional, renewable energy (wind, sun, biomass, geothermal, etc.), cogeneration, energy efficiency and reduction of energy costs. In order to get detailed information, please click on.

What are the advantages you provide with machine-equipment leasing? 

You access to operational easiness related with purchasing and provided by Aklease for leasing of machine and equipment. Depending on the quality of your equipment and project, you can benefit from up to 100% financing opportunity and you protect your cash collection.
With Aklease, you can perform for leasing agreement and repayments with the currency suitable with your income and cash flow. If it is only financed with leasing, you can benefit from 1% VAT rate. On your demand, you don’t get affected from the changes on the market such as currency/interest, you get the chance to make fixed leasing fee payment. In case that you buy equipment from abroad, you can benefit from country credits with long-term maturity and convenient cost through the mediation of Aklease.

What are the advantages you provide for leasing of medical equipment? 

Leasing can be used on a wide range from medical devices used by doctors in their clinics to turnkey hospital projects. For the advantages we provide for leasing of medical devices, please click on.

Can the immovables at organized industrial zones be subjected to leasing? 

Yes. In addition to movables at Organized Industrial Zones (OSB), with the change made on Law No. 4562 on the date of 4562, immovables found at OSB can also be subjected to leasing.

What are the advantages of country credits (eca-export credit agency)? 

With country credits, financing for equipment procured from abroad is enabled on long-term maturity and with convenient cost.
Purchasing and all importation process is carried out by the leasing company on your behalf.
Your banking limits are kept in stand by for your other operational capital needs.
Country credits, which are used through leasing, are recorded as only leasing risks for associations that has risk centralization.
Discounted VAT is a benefitted advantage.
Also for transactions under 5 million USA dollars, by benefitting from the exemptions within the framework of 32nd clause of the law, it is possible to use financing over foreign currency.
The amount which is above 85% of the investment total can be financed through a single agreement.
You can access detailed information on country credits from our Branches.

What is “sell and lease back” method? 

The financial method in which the customers carry the book value of their equipment to their real economic values and provide a long-term source/financing for themselves through selling their entire existing movables (machines, equipment, etc.) and immovables or the part of those that they need to the leasing company and then leasing those back is called “sell and lease back” method. With this source, customers are able to cover their needs for operational capital or make new investments depending on what they want. At the end of the agreement period, the movables-immovables of customers sold to and leased back from leasing companies are returned to them as they are. See Bumerang Leasing

Is there a tax exemption in sell and lease back method? 

If the immovables are subjected to sell and lease back method, the exemption of Corporate Tax and Value Added Tax can be benefitted from.

Can I give an equipment/real estate that i leased from you back to lease again? 

Yes, it is possible to give a leased equipment back to lease, in other words “subleasing”, is possible provided that it is carried out within the knowledge and with approval of the leasing company.

What are the advantages that you provide for airplane transactions? 

Thanks to our expertise of many years, we execute temporary registration certificate, signal registration reserve, incentive certificate, customs and importation transactions/permits, insurance transactions, legal framework sales agreement, country credit and other transactions that you may come across during air vehicle transactions on your behalf in a quick and reliable way. In order to get detailed information on airplane leasing, please click on.

I don’t want to part with the machines that I use but I need cash, can you help me with this? 

Yes, with our sell and lease back product Bumerang Leasing we prevent you from parting with your existing assets and we can create sources for you.

What is bumerang leasing? 

Bumerang Leasing is our brand in the field of selling and leasing back.
I bought an equipment short time ago, can I finance this with leasing? Yes, we can finance your existing assets with Bumerang Leasing, our selling and leasing back product.

I haven’t received my insurance policy, what should i do? 

It would be enough to send an e-mail to address of sigorta@aklease.com together with your customer number and/or agreement number.

Can I make my leasing payments with TL and currency or a combination of more than one foreign currency? 

Yes, you can make your leasing payments with Turkish Liras and/or by benefitting from the exemptions within the framework of 32nd clause of laws, with EURO/USD or foreign currencies demanded/agreed upon.

I want to extend my leasing payments, what should I do? 

You can convey your demands about the extension of your maturities to our branches .

I seized cash and I want to close all my leasing payments. What should I do? 

Provided that there is a mutual decision on the leasing agreement and provisions and obligations of the agreement are carried out, it is possible to close the leasing agreement in this way.

Is it possible to do leasing transactions with flexible payment? 

Yes. Repayment solutions suitable to cash flow of the projects such as standard monthly equal payments, equal capital payments, quarterly payments, semi-annually payments, payment free period, seasonal payments, balloon payments can be implemented.

I haven’t received my leasing invoice, what should i do? 

It would be enough to send an e-mail to address of fatura@aklease.com including your agreement number and the information on which month’s invoice you are demanding.

Which foreign currency should the leasing payments be made upon? 

Leasing agreement and leasing payments can be made on Turkish Liras and/or, by benefitting from the exemptions on 32nd clause of law, all kind of foreign currency and mainly EURO/USD.

Is it possible to arrange an automatic payment for my leasing payments? 

You can make your Aklease leasing payments over Akbank Direct Internet Branch and Akbank Call Center (444 25 25), if you demand, you can give an Automatic Payment Order from Akbank Direct Internet Branch or Akbank Branch which your account is found at in order to enable your payments to be carried out on time.

Where can I deposit my leasing payments? 

You can make your leasing payments in cash on account numbers of Ak Finansal Kiralama A.S. (Ak Financial Leasing Inc.) at Akbank T.A.S. Zincirlikuyu Branch, which is founded on your leasing agreement, by stating your leasing agreement number or you can send it to the related account through money order/EFT (electronic funds transfer).

Should my leasing repayments be carried over equal monthly amounts? 

Leasing repayments are in monthly equal amounts in general. However, in accordance with the cash flow of your project, alternatives other than monthly equal payments such as graduating payment, decreasing payment, payment free period can be created.

How many months of maturities can leasing transactions be carried upon? 

The maturity of the payment for the leasing transactions is determined according to cash flow of the project. In addition to the fact that the average leasing maturity of the market changes between 48-60 months, it is seen that up to 120 months of maturities can be used by leasing companies for leasing transactions.

Can I turn my changeable based leasing payments into a fixed payment plan? 

Yes, there can be such changes provided that the costs are undertaken.